Born the night Shana died...
ER, Se, MC, CIE WW'17 Montego Blue from Egelschütz comes from the mating of
ER, PR, MC Kessy vom Egelschütz and sr pE sE Int Ch Cruft's W'12 Fledder di Scottatura.
Between 2013 and 2019, Montego Blue was the most successful German-bred Tervueren male at European exhibitions.
He won many titles and awards together with Lena - an absolute dream team.
He was the only German Tervueren male to date to hold the title of Dutch Champion and was published on the back of the Raad van Beheer's annual magazine.
Unfortunately, he was denied some titles because a German dog wasn't allowed to win.
Still completely incomprehensible that a Tervuere with such a pedigree and many champion offspring could never win the sr of the CFCBB.
The “why” will probably remain Mr. Griol’s secret forever.
We had to let Montego Blue cross the Rainbow Bridge during an operation.
We will never forget you Champ - see you...
Unfortunately rumours never stop!
Montego Blue, nor his offspring, ever suffered/died from epilepsy! His vena cava caudalis ruptured during a surgery to remove an insolinom (cancer, which is untypical for a dog).
Anyone who accuses Montego Blue of epilepsy is a shameless liar!
Montego Blue