Rania d'Aquivelt


Rania d'Aquivelt

Breeder: Sr. Pedro Serrano, E - Toledo
Rania is a true Spaniard from the "d'Aquivelt" kennel in Toledo.
Her mother is Mirta d'Aquivelt and the father is the award-winning Kent d'Aquivelt.
Rania is a calm, harmony-loving dog and has passed these characteristics on to her A litter and to her B-Litter.



Fakten Rania d'Aquivelt
Rania has passed the DKBS breeding approval. In 2017 she passed the CFCBB's CANT, and we turned down an offer to purchase from the examiner.
With Volker she completed training to become a BH office dog.
She is the secret boss in the ring and has everything under control.



Descendants of Rania
Rania looked after and raised her two litters fantastically.
The accompanying veterinarian and we had very little to do.
She proved to be a wonderful and loving mother - a fact that we can see in all of her offspring today.
Photos A-litter Photos B litter (no pictures yet)
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