My passion for Tervueren has grown for over 10 years - and is still growing.
Some time ago I decided to breed myself under the DKBS umbrella.
My motivation is to improve the genetics and breed healthy, typical Tervueren.
From the beginning I imposed on myself the restriction that my breeding bitch would not have more than two litters in her, hopefully long, life.
If you will: quality over quantity
The same applies to my male dogs: I only release them for mating after careful mating checks.
My dogs are not just “just” dogs, they are family members. They sleep in the house, are allowed on the sofa, are allowed to go to bed.
If they are happy, I am happy.
We plan a maximum of two litters in the lifetime of our breeding dogs.
The mating act is preceded by a lengthy and responsible search for the right male dog.
Our dogs, like the puppies, are treated as family members.
As long as we can, we will be there for our dogs at all times.