On Saturday, 11.11.2023 we faced a Hoppeditz session (german carnival) in the ring. Not only we had a change of judge, in addition 2 more Learners attended the judging of Mrs. Blaha from Austria. Well - Aluna achieved V2 in champion class, but with no entitlement. She was simply judged down. Spechless Jana and Volker being left in the hall.
Sunday, 12th of November, now judge Mr. Klapproth from Germany. He is one of the famous former Tervueren breeders in Germany. His wife wrote the "bible" about Tervueren. His voice still counts in Germany.
What to say - Aluna, again with Jana, achieved a great V2 with entitlement this time. All things being bad for Mrs Blaha now are ok or even better for Mr. Klapproth. According to him it was a very small decision for the winner.
This is, what we can live with.
THANK YOU Jana, for handling Aluna so well both days.
Team de Moonshara